Request Login Assistance Use this form to request assistance with your login. Include as much information as you can. Screenshots are helpful but not required. Please allow 1-2 business days for reply. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Brenau Email*Brenau email addresses ONLY please. For security reasons, we are unable to respond to requests that provide a non-Brenau email address. Phone (Optional)I am...* an Undergraduate student a Graduate / Masters student a Graduate / Doctoral student Faculty Staff Other I am in the College of...* Fine Arts & Humanities Business & Mass Communication Education Health Sciences Other I work/attend most of my classes...* in the Women's College in Gainesville Online in North Atlanta (Norcross) My problem is...* I can't login I'm being asked to log in, but I'm already logged in I need to report a broken link I need to report a database not working Other Please describe the problem. Provide us with the link you were trying to access and the page it was on, if applicable. Be specific! This information will help us to solve the problem more quickly.*If you have an screenshot or video that would help illustrate your problem, add the file here.Max. file size: 50 MB.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.